Benefits for Safety
Allows For a Safer Work Environment
Warns of Excessive Mill and Saw Vibration
Warns When Saw Has Lost Tension
Warns When Saw Has Extreme Cracks or Bearing Failure
Kickbacks can save the saw during extreme snake or snags.
The Mill Safety lights feature from Saw Control consists of a visual display on the mill floor. In a nut shell the Saw Control will have an alarm set point established for allowable vibration, and anytime the vibration duration limit is exceeded the output circuit will be activated.
Benefits for Mill Management
Aids in Safety by alerting of machine or saw problems
Allows for production to be based on saw blade and machinery capability.
Gives an overall “picture” of how the mill is performing
Aids in reducing fall-down grade
Assist in reducing unscheduled saw changes
Assists in reducing target sizes
Aids in increasing saw blade life
Helps proficiency of mill personal
THRU-CUT gives you full production after lunch, before or after a long weekend, when the operator isn’t having a good day, or any other production time lag.
Benefits for Filers and Maintenance
Alerts guide buildup and/or guide wear problems
Aids in determining saws for correction tension, tire and tooth shape
Alerts of bad saws or guides without culling wood
Warns of bearing problems
Shows saw cracks
Shows dull/sharp saws
Assists in training of new filing personnel
Aids in targeting maintenance of band-mill and carriage
Assists in evaluating saw filing equipment
Gives overall “picture” of alignment in real-time
Assists in sorting out machine alignment and saw-tooth problems
Aids in getting mill maintenance and fliers working together
The greatest benefit seems to be the filing personnel calling for saw changes on their own. Also the ability to know if the “snaking” is due to a weak saw or trash buildup on the guide. These events result in steady production and balance work loads in the filing room.
Benefits for Quality Control
Aids in determining where problems occur – saws or feed-works with the light display visible on the mill floor QC will be alerted when sawing begins to exceed acceptable sizing. This allows QC to focus on size and grade issues from multiple machine centers with confidence that out of spect lumber will not be found down line in the process.
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Benefits for Machine Operators and Sawyers
Alerts when problem log is being cut
Aids in determining if / when saw change is necessary
Allows maximum feed speed on good saws
Warns when there is guide buildup and/or wear
Warns of poor performing saw
Assists in training of new operators
More Real Saw Control “that can’t be beat.”
Saw Control’s automatic speed control reduces sawing variation allowing for reduced target size, improves sawing efficiency and providing real time and historical quality analysis. And Saw Control does it all at faster feed speeds.
Minimum Target Size is determined by worst-case scenarios. Standard Deviation needs to be reduced to shrink the bell curve distribution of measured lumber. Many mill QC programs operate on a random basis after the lumber has been manufactured.
Real Time Control with Saw Control III is a better option than addressing quality after lumber is cut. Saw Control monitors & controls saw blade movement at the machine center.
Contact Saw Control
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